Find Your Voice…

Adèle Paxton and Dennis McCorkle; Photo: Jeffrey Hornstein, NY

…Find Your Self

Every voice is individual and special. It is your unique sound carried on your breath.

Your voice is capable of many different sounds, qualities, range, and pitches, depending on how you feel and what you want to communicate.

Voice is different from any other musical instrument in that we don’t just “play” it. We ARE our instruments. When we sing, our whole being is involved – body, voice, thoughts, emotions, and spirit. Our rich inner world influences the way we sound and how we present ourselves in the world.

It follows that voice work can have a number of different goals.

If you would like to improve your instrumental or “outer” singing voice, please take a look at my pages on Performance Skills and Learning to Sing.

If you are feeling blocked in some way that affects your “inner” emotional or psychological voice, please check out my Talk Therapy page.

If you are interested in using singing and voice work as a vehicle to explore your inner world of feelings, then please take a look at my page on Vocal Psychotherapy.

Client and student testimonials:

“Voice lessons are my favorite time of the week.” S.M.

“Adèle is a great teacher. She really knows what she is talking about and how to convey it.” T.D.

“Working with Adèle has made me a better singer, but even that’s not what it has been…Till now, I have been trying to create this box where I feel safe, trapping my voice, shutting myself down so I don’t feel lonely and alone…You have helped me to find myself and be comfortable in myself… All of a sudden I own myself. It’s been profound and really, really empowering.” M.R.

“Adèle is a fantastic voice teacher and really knows how to make me understand singing techniques…” J.G.

“Adèle has taught me so much in just a few months. Her background in psychology and the style of her lessons has really helped me in many aspects of my life.” B.C.

“She is well prepared to teach, but also extremely flexible… She is adept at bringing out the best in each individual student and can identify and work with the personal needs of each student.” P.L.

“Most of all you have made me feel like I can sing again! That is truly a gift.” K.M.

“Best voice teacher ever! I enjoy every lesson, and retain a great deal of skill and knowledge for my future career. Ms. Paxton is a wonderful inspiration and learning from her gives me the confidence that I will be ideally skilled with what I need to know in my life long endeavors.” S.B.